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This Greek word refers to the imaginary world in detail created inside the mind. Such would involve creatures such as animals and humans or things that are existent in reality. Moreover, it might contain things of imaginary origin, such as aliens. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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Petrichor is a Greek word that means the smell of the earth after the rain. You might not have heard of this term yet, but it entails a very beautiful meaning. This might come in handy when you visit Greece. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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Ataraxia refers to the sole true happiness a person can acquire. This because it would signify a state of great tranquility derived from avoiding faith in afterlife. It also indicates no fear to the gods due to their distant nature. Likewise, it is able to avoid politics and vexatious people. All you get would be affectionate and trustworthy friends. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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The Greek word Palimpsest refers to the manuscript page from a book or scroll. It seems that this page has been washed or scraped off to be reused for another document. It is one of the terms that you might haven’t heard of yet. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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This Greek term refers to the firmament or the visible heavens. In fact, it is referred to as the highest part of the heavens, which was once thought to have the pure element of fire. It was also thought by early Christians as the dwelling place of God and the angels. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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Hypnagogia refers to the hypnagogic state of consciousness upon reaching the sleep state. It is a Greek word referring to the transitional state from the wakefulness going to sleep state. This is related to the hypnagogic hallucinations, which include sleep paralysis, hypnic jerks, and the Tetris effect. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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This Greek term refers to divination that can be achieved through dreams. It is pronounced as oh-nigh-ruh-mancy. This is the practice of predicting the future by way of interpreting dreams. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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This can also be written as Hieros Gamos, which means Holy Marriage in Greek. This marriage involves a god and a goddess. This is commonly enacted by human participants representing the deities as a symbolic ritual. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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This is a Greek word pronounced mith-UH-peeik, which pertains to the making of myths. Therefore, it indicates the cause, production, or the giving rise to myths. There are lots of Greek terms that you might haven’t heard yet, and mythopoeic should be one of them. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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This Greek term was derived from the word psuchopompos, which means the guide of souls. For instance, Hermes or Charon would conduct souls or spirits to the underworld in Greek mythology. However, in Jungian psychology, this would refer to the mediator that interacts between the conscious and unconscious realms. Most often, it is personified as a wise man or woman or a helpful animal. In some cultures, the shaman acts as the psychopomp. However, these personalities are not only able to accompany the soul of the dead but are also able to help at birth.