Fortune Awaits You If You Finish A Cup Of Greek Espresso
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You might not like this tradition that your old Greek folks have thought you. However, the fortune-telling session wouldn’t begin until you sip the last drop of that Greek espresso you are told to finish first. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Singing Songs During The Holidays
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Growing up with Greek grandparents should make you feel blessed. This is because you would never miss the chance to sing songs fit for the occasion, such as holidays when you are obliged to sing the Kalanta of the New Year. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Only Two Channels Are Allowed By Your Grandparents
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If you have lived with Greek grandparents, you would have watched 2 channels only. This would be the Antenna and the ERT World. Instead of watching cartoons all day, you should give the remote to your grandparents, as soap operas would keep them going. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
The House Was Filled With Religious Icons
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Religious Greek grandparents would fill the house with various religious icons. In this case, living with them can immerse you with some Christian beliefs that you won’t simply forget even as you grow older. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
You Were Given More Food Even If You Were Full
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Everyone who grew with Greek grandparents should know that it would mean war if you tell your Yia Yia you aren’t hungry. So even if you are not hungry, she will still give you some fresh made baklava. Thus, you should be grateful because you probably wouldn’t receive that much attention these days anymore. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
The Secret Recipe For The Best Spanakopita
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It seems so easy have the secret recipe to make sumptuous spanakopita in town. The procedure is so easy to do even with your eyes closed. Too bad, you can’t remember a thing about the recipe anymore. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
You Always Hear Stories Of How They Moved from Greece
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Children who grew up with Greek grandparents but were not born in Greece never failed to hear stories of how their grandparents went to America or Australia with empty pockets. The details are still so clear you could still remember how they arrived to Ellis Island. Anecdotes like that should be worth a treasure to tell. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Your Greek Grandparents Taught You Their Dance Moves
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It was not so long ago that your grandparents were able to teach you how to move your hips. They would tirelessly give you their moves to all the folk dances in Greece. More often than not, they would make you show off the dancing steps you learned during family gatherings. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Missing A Class Would Surely Disappoint Them
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If you want to disappoint your Greek grandparents, it should be so easy. You just miss a Greek school class and you would get what you deserve. Perhaps that is the reason why you were able to speak to hundreds of your relatives in Greece to ask for help when you need one. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
They Wouldn’t Let A Sunday Pass Without Making You Go To Church
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Greek grandparents thought it was their responsibility to make you go to church. In fact, even if you have a valid reason not to go, they would still make you go along with them. That was simply an awesome thing not every child in America would experience.