Home Top 10 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be Greek

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be Greek

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be Greek

You have the most exotic and beautiful beaches on Earth


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The beaches that you have in Greece are among those things that have an unfathomable state of perfection. The experience of swimming their crystal-clear blue waters and the memories formed there can add to anyone’s unforgettable life experiences. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You speak one of the most ancient languages


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Your language constitutes the most important elements of your culture and is a descendant of the Ancient Greek language that is affiliated to the Hellenic branch of Indo-European. In fact, the oldest written Greek was discovered on mud tablets in the Knossos Palace remains. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

Your country has played an important role in history


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Greece has very rich history, witnessing a plethora of periods, including the Bronze Age, Roman Period, Ottoman Period and the Classical Age. There were many influential Greek individuals whose works and actions are recognized by other groups of people around the world throughout centuries. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You are known worldwide for your great cuisine and wine


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Greek food is highly known for its good taste and quality, and so as the wines. While you have recipes that are local culinary specialties, all the meals you have in your country have something in common—they are satisfying to the palate. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

Your country gave birth to Democracy


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It is true that the first signs of Democracy appeared in Ancient Greece, which is nowadays the prevailing political system in a huge part of the world. It all started in Greece. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

Your people are some of the most hospitable in the world


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Whoever has visited Greece during holidays knows how incredibly hospitable Greeks are, especially the elderly. You’ll always feel welcome. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You raise your children well


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Greek parents are well-known for instilling discipline and respect among their children. They would try their best to guide their children in making good choices, which is also associated with raising quality adults. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You do everything “big”


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For you Greeks, huge would even be an understatement, as you want to do everything “really big” and even bigger. This is attributed to your competitive nature, where you often want to one-up your competitors and friends. This is also the reason why you have big families. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You are care-free


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You would be care-free as much as you would not want somebody to bring you down. Naturally, you have a knack for not worrying until it comes to crunch time. But no matter how many problems you may have, you always know the importance of relaxing and not stressing too much. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!

You take pride in everything you do


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When you do something, you do not only do it good, but even great, as you believe in your family and, most importantly, yourself! This is why you would try to work hard to create a name and a legacy, while taking pride in all things you have done.