Home Top 10 10 Most Beautiful Animal Species Found in Greece

10 Most Beautiful Animal Species Found in Greece

10 Most Beautiful Animal Species Found in Greece

The kri-kri Goat

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Due to the fact that Greece is located in the Mediterranean region, it happens to be populated with different animal and plant species. Some of these faunae and flora are rarely seen in other regions of the world. These are some of the most beautiful animal species found in Greece. The kri-kri goat is also commonly called the Cretian Ibex or Agrimi and is found only in Greek Islands; Crete, Dia, Thodorou, and AgiiPantes.Kri-Kri goats have a light brownish color and a very dark band around its neck. Kri-Kri goats have two horns on their heads and they happen to be very shy. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Cretan Spiny Mouse

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Cretin spiny mice populate the Crete Island of Greece. These spiny mice have short, spiny hairs on their tails and backs. The colors of the furs of spiny mice vary from red to brown. They sleep during the day and hunt for food which includes mainly seeds at night. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Beech Marten

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This animal is also known as the white-breasted marten. They are mostly found in the Aegean Islands. It has a small head with a short snout. It is very active at night and twilight. It feeds on foods such as apples, cherries, chickens, and rats. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Cypriot Mouflon

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This fauna is this biggest in Cyprus. It is a wild sheep that is indigenous only to Cyprus. Cypriot Mouflon is very shy and swift. The colors of their hides change between seasons. A Cypriot Mouflon’s activity is also very seasonal. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Dolphin

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There about five different species of dolphins found in the waters of Greece. Their names are; the bottleneck dolphin, the striped dolphin, Cuvier’s beaked whale, short-beaked dolphin and Risso dolphin. They have different shapes and colors. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Mediterranean Monk Seal

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There are about 700 surviving species of the Monk Seal in the Aegean Sea. Monk Seals are very rare Pinnipeds. They have dark brown hair covering their bodies. They possess eight pairs of teeth on the sides of their jaws. The average lifespan of a monk seal is about two decades. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Badger

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Badgers are predominantly carnivorous animals. They are mostly found on the Island of Crete. A badger shares a semblance with a bear but it has a short lower limb and longer body. They feed on fruits and seeds too. They hardly attack humans unless when in danger. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

The Loggerhead Turtle

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These are oceanic turtles that come out during the night to avoid the intensity of the Sun or predators. Female sea turtles usually return to the place of their birth to hatch their new eggs. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

Aristotle’s catfish

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This catfish is found mainly in the freshwater habitats of Greece. It was named after the philosopher, Aristotle. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

Peloponnese wall lizard

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This lizard is found mainly in the Peloponnese district of Greece. It is found mainly in shrubs and plantations. It has a very long tail, which is longer than its body. The male species are usually larger than the females. The females lay up to half a dozen eggs per cycle.