Athenian Democracy
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One common misconception about ancient Greeks is that they introduced modern democracy. However, the kind of democracy they had was in terms of policies being voted upon by Athenian citizens. The truth is that citizenship was not given to slaves and women. Also, citizens born in foreign countries were not able to vote. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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When we talk about Ancient Greece, we discuss about its contribution to the arts, philosophy and mathematics. We know about the three great philosophers, poets and mathematicians. What most do not know is that ancient Greeks were also advanced in technology as evidenced by a mechanical device discovered in the island of Antikythera. It is believed to be a creation of Archimedes, a device that can predict solar eclipses. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
Greek Statues
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When we see Greek statues in museums and in pictures, it is evident that they are often unpainted, distorted and even unfinished. We have admired these creations and attribute their appearance to the kind of artistry in the ancient times. But according to experts, these statues are actually white and some even have bronze and black stones in them. What we see today is just a result or wear and tear. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
The Olympic Games
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The Olympic Games we have today was inspired by the Ancient Olympic Games. The misconception about it is that these competitions were only held in ancient times. But records show that these games were also adapted during the Roman times although these were banned by Theodosius. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
Ancient Greek Theater
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Greece is also known as a center of arts in the olden times and Greeks were fond of performances. However, there is a misconception that Ancient Greek Theater was mostly about entertainment and performing in front of a large audience during festivals for the sake of entertaining. But the truth is, these performances are significant and symbolic for them. These productions require knowledge and understanding of the play as well as audience participation. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
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Athenian men in ancient times were thought to have intimate relationships with younger boys, bordering to homosexuality. Although some older men have affection or special relationships with younger boys which can be considered pedophilia in present society, this might not be true in general. This was because during those times, mentorship was already applied, in which more experienced and older men guide and teach the youth. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
Spartan Women
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One misconception about Greeks in the ancient times has something to do with how women were regarded during those times. Modern thinkers have the notion that women were submissive to man and perhaps inferior or weaker, a misconception that is believed to be true by some, up to this day. The truth is, Spartan women were regarded highly in Ancient Greece that they owned land, were educated and expected to raise their children. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
Spartan Warriors
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What we know about the Spartan soldiers is that they live and breathe training for battles, spending their waking hours honing their skills in combat. Quite a number of people think that when these Spartans were young, they concentrate on fighting and do not have time to socialize with women. While it is true that they spend a great deal of time training, they also are busy with other activities, such as performing in plays, singing and dancing. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
The Battle of Thermopylae
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Leonidas is one of the most influential personalities in Ancient Greece and his self-sacrifice during the famous Battle of Thermopylae is honored with his statue. The Spartan king, along with 300 men fought the army of Xerxes and defended Greece. However, according to some historians, this was not really the exact story. If this is to be believed, along with the 300 spartans and Leonidas, there were hundreds of Thebans and Thespians as well as eighty Myceneans who protected Greece that time. Click the next ARROW to see the next image!
The Trojan War
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There is an on-going contention about the existence of the most famous stories in history: The Trojan War. Some scholars say that this battle did not really happen and there was never a place called “Troy”. While some historians argue that remnants of the city were discovered, no evidence can support the legendary battle that included a “Trojan horse” where hundreds of soldiers supposedly hid.